Remeber that cheesy Aerosmith song from the killer-asteroid moive with Bruce Willis? Something about refusing to close your eyes because you "don't want to miss a thing"?
I can't put my little rose down. I did have a little bit of celebratory Black Bush tonight (I had to stay off the sauce for over a month due to "baby watch") but I figured that would get me to sleep.
It does help her sleep, too. I have a way with children. It always worked with Deuce. He's got this nighttime CD with lullabies and I could always get him to sleep by the third song. I use the same tricks on the girl. I have the "touch."
As soon as she can stand, I am going to train her in the deadly arts so that no boys ever touch her. I'm also going to buy a shot-gun. Not to use, just to clean when those horny preschool boys come over.
And, just so everyone knows, this is not the typical hypocritical male-chauvinist thing. I was a pretty good kid in high school. I do know what they're thinking, but not because I was seedy euro-trash lothario. Just because I'm observant.
Deuce has helped on this one, too. He's huge now, and I don't want to miss anything. It goes so fast.
After preschool, he said that he needed to get home because Julia missed him. Tonight, I had Julia in the room with him while we were reading (the wife was catching up on sleep). She cried through about four or five books and the boy never complained. He said, "Oh, sometimes babies are cranky. I will give Julia a kiss so she feels better." Then he crawled back on my lap to read while she cried on and on.
She's been asleep for a couple hours now and I can't put her down. Having two kids just makes the house feel full. We were kind of "buddies" and friends before with the three of us, and now its more of a loud family.
She also seemed to enjoy the Suns beat the Blazers tonight.
1 comment:
Sounds like Little Rose is in good hands. SO glad things are going so well!
Hugs all around...
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