Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Psalm 23

I had the weirdest dream last week. Before I get into it, though, a little philosophizing.

I've always had the sneaking suspicion that spirituality and psychology are inter-mixed. I've read a little of Jung's stuff, and that is something I take away from it (whether that's right or wrong, I don't know). I've always had a very active "dream life" -- I don't know that I'm different that others, but I recognize it.

For example, primitive religions believed that if a loved one did not have a proper burial, his/ her soul was restless and would "haunt" you. Nowadays, psychologists say we need "closure." I think it's related; if not the same thing. And I'm not so sure it's not just psychology.

One night last week, I woke up with chills down my spine. It' happened before, too. I felt as if something "evil" (it's the best word I can think of right now) had, literally, touched me. I thought something was in the room.

Recalling Job, I reminded myself that God wouldn't give me something I couldn't handle. I calmed myself and went to sleep about a half-hour later.

The next thing I remember, I was standing on top of a summit -- perhaps near a volcano. Kind of like Mount Doom in Lord of the Rings. I was looking up into the eyes of something ... sinister, and I was praying:

"Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I fear no evil. The Lord is my shepherd."

When I woke up, I immediately thought of Tarot Cards. In that the "Death" card is seen as change, and not necessarily a negative. Things are changing in my life.

One interpretation is that I am being presented with challenges. I have been challenged to change, to move, to grow. In response, my dream-self chose to put my faith in the Lord. Are your psychological "demons" only in your head? Isn't there an old saying about perception being reality?


amidalooine said...

I used to be scared to death of my dreams. I don't always remember them, but when I do, they are very vivid, larger than life, and almost always have to do with the ever-present battle between good and evil in my own life. I've had some doozies, and they are very real.

Death is a common theme...fear of death, death to the past, death to old ways. The morning my best friend died last year, I woke up in a cold sweat, scared to death, at the exact moment she died (though I didn't realize it until a couple days later). Is there a connection between waking and dreaming? Perception and reality? Absolutely.

But I DO believe that in order to be mentally "healthy," we have to have a way to work out that which frightens us most, and sometimes we deal in our subconscoiuses with that which we can't handle while we're awake. I've come to accept that as "healthy," and I don't worry about my dreams so much anymore.

It seems that some of my most vivid dreams have come at times of turmoil and change. Apparently I'm right up there with you, j, because change scares the shit out of me...yet it's thrilling and energizing at the same time. I trust my subconscious to work it all out when I can't think about it for another minute.

I should probably trust in the Lord more. I know I should.

It sounds to me like your subconscious has everything under control.

Darth Rex0 said...

That feeling of evil you mentioned is something I have felt before also. You can feel it in the room and remember Satan can manipulate your dreams. You are also right to remember Job and that God will never allow something to happen to you that you can't handle. He may allow something like you mentioned if it brings you closer to Him. Just my inerpertations. Not the definitive answer for sure.

I've never been much into interpreting dreams. Obviously some are brought on by what you go through in life, but I think for the most part "dream interpretation" isn't a science. Anyone can make it to what you want to sometimes. I could be wrong about that too.

amidalooine said...

OK, so j...why don't you always come back and comment on your comments??? Waiting for a comment from you...yeah...